Geelong Electrical Wholesalers

Find your nearest wholesaler in seconds!

Easily find Geelong Electrical Wholesalers including Middendorp, Lawrence & Hanson, AWM, Active Electrical and more!

Search for your nearest, most preferred wholesaler in Geelong and surrounding suburbs including Highton, Newtown, Grovedale, Ocean Grove or just anywhere near you.

All it take is 4 easy steps:

  • Enter your address or post code in the search bar OR leave it blank and we will try to find you
  • Enter how far away you want to search in Max Distance drop down box
  • Filter by wholesaler using the dropdown box if required.
  • Press the Search Locations button.

Once the search has completed, you should see your nearest wholesaler both on the map and below it. If you are using a mobile you can pick the wholesaler on the map, then select the phone number to dial. That way you can check stock before you go.

Enter your address or post code above.